The Baptism of the Lord
- Nicole Zenner, Chief of Staff & Strategy
Today we celebrate the baptism of our Lord. While many of us may not remember our childhood baptisms, nor were we there when John baptized Jesus, today’s readings tell us of the importance of baptism. By definition, baptism is a “rite symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church.” While we may think this is a one-time ceremony for us, we are called to renew our baptismal promises on a daily basis.
In the Gospel today, Jesus' baptism by John in the Jordan signifies His solidarity with humanity and His willingness to share in our human experience. How incredible is that?! I think we can easily turn to the divinity of Jesus and sometimes forget that He went through so many of the same things we did – joy, sorrow, laughter, pain. That’s why having a personal relationship with Jesus can be so healing – He gets us. He understands.
Jesus’ baptism invites us to reflect on our own baptism, through which we became members of the Body of Christ, fostering a sense of belonging to the Church community. In an age where more and more people feel alone and unseen, a Church community exists to bring people together. And the Church community is not just at Saint Clement, it’s all of our faithful and faith-filled communities. As we journey through the Holy Year 2025, themed "Pilgrims of Hope," we are called to renew our baptismal promises and embrace our identity as children of God, united in faith and mission.
A unique element of Jesus’ baptism was that in each gospel version, we are told the Holy Spirit anointed Jesus. The first reading from Isaiah speaks of the Lord's chosen servant, endowed with God's Spirit to bring forth justice. Similarly, in Titus, St. Paul writes that “he saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our savior." Our baptism and confirmation anoint us with the same Spirit, empowering us to serve others, promote justice, and embody Christ's love in the world. During this Jubilee Year, we are especially encouraged to engage in acts of charity and mercy, living out our call to serve others.
How are you answering God’s call to live as a daughter or son of His? How do you feel invited to deepen your own relationship with Jesus, recognizing Him as the beloved Son and responding to His invitation to follow Him more closely? As mentioned in last week’s homily, what would happen if you committed to doing just 1% more? Imagine if all 4200 households at Saint Clement just did 1% more - either in welcoming others, growing as a believer, serving others, or giving financially. Imagine the impact we could have on our city of Chicago and the nation! Our challenge to you today – how will you grow closer to Jesus this year? Have you made your commitment?