Share your gifts


A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” – Proverbs 11:25

SHARE is one of our five Parish Anchors. We share our gifts and blessings, including spreading the Good News of the Gospel. Sharing your blessings through consistent giving provides stability, strength, and support to our parish family, and beyond. Thank you! Whether you are able to give $500 a year, $500 a month, or $500 a week, you are helping to support and grow our ministries. With every commitment to Sunday Sharing, you help support Clement Commits. With that program, we give 10% of our Sunday Sharing collections to organizations in need and the Archdiocese of Chicago second collections.

Sunday Sharing Commitment

Our annual Sunday Sharing Commitment pledge drive is a time when we are asked to recognize the many ways we have been blessed by God. We encourage you to pause, re-evaluate, and re-commit yourselves as disciples of Christ. Learn more here!

For those ready to make a financial commitment, know it supports the many ministries, programs, and services of the parish. More importantly, it creates growth in our parish family and through the Clement Commits program, 10% of the general collection is donated to charitable organizations outside of our parish. For those parishioners who are able, we ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your gift this year to help offset rising costs.

How to Give


Make your one-time or recurring gift through our secure and easy online platform, Pushpay.


Make checks payable to “Saint Clement Parish” and mail to Saint Clement Parish, 642 W Deming Place, Chicago IL 60614

Stock Donation

Please complete the Archdiocese of Chicago stock letter of intention and also email Helena Tylka that you have done so.

Planned Giving

Consider Designating Your Gift Through a Will or Trust

Including a gift in your will, trust, or other planned giving option is a meaningful way to leave a lasting legacy that supports the mission and ministries of Saint Clement while ensuring your financial well-being throughout your lifetime.

I give to Saint Clement located at 642 W Deming Pl Chicago, IL 60614 $_______ in support of its full mission. Restricted to the needs of Saint Clement Parish.

Legal Name: Saint Clement Parish
Federal Tax ID number: 36-3158705

Giving Programs