Worship & Pray.
Worship & Pray
PRAY is one of our five Parish Anchors, as prayer centers our lives as Catholics by deepening our relationship with God and God’s people. This prayer culminates in the celebration of the Mass in-person and online every week. We nurture a transformative relationship with Christ through Mass and other worship opportunities. Spending personal time daily with God opens us to the relationship that promises “life in abundance." Join us for outstanding Sunday liturgies that inspire and challenge our parish family to grow in the faith and live out our faith in action. Be sure to check out the many opportunities to pray, to grow in prayer, and to be involved in the ministry of prayer at Saint Clement.
Weekly Mass and Sacrament Schedule
Masses are held in the church unless otherwise noted.
Learn about our weekend Masses!
5:00 p.m. (Saturday) - This organ and cantor Mass is popular with busy families and people with early morning obligations.
8:00 a.m. (Sunday) - This Mass is popular with early risers, families with infants as well as folks who prefer quieter form of Sunday worship. The Mass is enriched by beautiful organ music and a cantor leading our community in singing.
In the spring, summer and fall our morning Masses are followed by our Plaza Hospitality for all!
9:30 a.m. (church) - This joyful liturgy is popular with school families and parents with young children. Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered most weeks during the school year, and the music is simplified to allow all ages to participate. At this Mass you will often hear our children’s choir accompanied by a piano.
9:30 a.m. (chapel) - This Mass offers a more relaxed atmosphere with more contemporary music led by a wonderful choir and piano.
11:15 a.m. - This is the most traditional weekend liturgy with incense, chant, organ and choral music sung by our renowned choir, Schola Clementis.
4:30 p.m. - This Mass is celebrated in the Praise & Worship style and assisted by a short commentary meant to make all parts of the Mass accessible. This Mass is perfect for those new to the faith, inter-faith families and folks raised in other Christian denominations.
7:00 p.m. - This is a young adult choir and organ Mass popular with Chicago’s young adult community, ages 20-39. Every second Sunday of the month the Mass is followed by a Wine & Cheese reception.
Confessions: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. (Chapel)
Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass
9:30 a.m. Family Mass
9:30 a.m. Chapel*
11:15 a.m. (also live-streamed)
4:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. Daily Mass
Lent: 6:00 p.m. Daily Mass - in Chapel
6:30 a.m. Men's Communio
8:30 a.m. Daily Mass, followed by confessions for one hour
Lent: 6:00 p.m. Daily Mass
9:00 a.m. Daily Mass (All School)
Lent: 6:00 p.m. Daily Mass
8:30 a.m. Daily Mass
6:00 p.m. Daily Mass* followed by confession and Adoration until 7:30 p.m. Benediction
*Note, 1st & 3rd Thursdays offer special 6 p.m. services, see below
8:30 a.m. Daily Mass - followed by Lectio Divina
Lent: 6:00 p.m. Daily Mass, followed by Stations of the Cross (led by a parish ministry and choir)
Mass followed by Adoration until 7:30 p.m. Benediction | Solemn Vespers led by chant schola | Confessions held during Adoration
Mass followed by Adoration | Confessions held during Adoration | Catechetical Talk
LENTEN DAILY MASS CHALLENGE: This Lent, we challenge you to attend daily Mass at least once a week. By creating space for communion with Jesus, you’ll deepen your relationship with Him and experience the renewal that comes from being fully alive in His presence. Sign up here!
HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE: All are invited to join us as we pray and remember Jesus’ saving action — his passion, death, and resurrection. Begins on April 13 with Palm Sunday through April 20 - Easter Sunday. Click for Holy Week schedule.
Upcoming Special Prayer Services, Blessings, Events
Mass Intentions for the deceased
Honor a loved one who has passed with a Mass Intention. Requesting a Mass intention means that you are asking that the grace of Christ’s sacrifice in his death and resurrection be applied for a particular purpose. The names of Mass intentions for the deceased are read at Mass. To obtain a date and time, please click the button below.
During the school year, the staff also includes family blessings for our school families. All other requested Mass intentions are for deceased loved ones. If you have a living loved one who is in need of prayers, please see below.
Please note, the cutoff for weekend Mass intentions is the Tuesday prior to the weekend. Intentions requested after Tuesday may not be printed in the newsletter or read at Mass.
Prayer Requests
Are you or someone you know in need of prayers? Please let us know!
We invite you to fill out our Prayer Request Form so our prayer team can lift up your prayer intention. We feel blessed to support you in prayer and to see how God works through our united efforts!
Please note, you will have the option of informing us if you’d like the request to be confidential with just the prayer team or shared publicly in The Plaza, our weekly e-newsletter.
Celebrating the Sacraments
As Catholics, one of the important ways we encounter Jesus Christ is through celebrating the sacraments — religious rituals or ceremonies that transmit divine grace. The sacraments are signs of Jesus’ presence in our lives and a means for receiving His grace. The Church celebrates seven sacraments, which are divided into three categories:
1) Sacraments of Initiation, which lay the foundation of every Christian life — Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
2) Sacraments of Healing, which celebrate the healing power of Jesus — Penance (Reconciliation / Confession), Anointing of the Sick
3) Sacraments at the Service of Communion, which help members serve the community — Matrimony, Holy Orders.
Living a sacramental life is the great gift and calling of every Catholic. See below to learn more about each sacrament.
Marking a milestone in faith: a video of our parish children receiving their First Holy Communion in May 2024, a cherished moment of spiritual growth and devotion.
The Seven Sacraments
It is never easy to say goodbye to someone we have loved. As a parish family, we experience every part of our spiritual walk as the community of God – none of us are alone. We would be honored to walk with you and your family during the loss of your loved one. Please call our parish office at 773-281-0371 to schedule a Funeral Mass.
As a community, we gather for a Mass to pray together with you and your family for your loved one. You will meet with our Funeral Team beforehand to finalize the readings and music for the Mass, and to share some details about the life of your loved one.
Encounter Series
Our Encounter Series is a series of conversations, featuring speakers from across our parish family, to highlight the many ways in which our community members experience God working in their lives.
Prayer Groups