Growing as a Believer

There is a deep hunger right now in our world for hope. We believe our hope is found in Jesus Christ. We long to know Him & to have a deeper relationship with Him, his Father, and the Holy Spirit.

If you are in a stage in your life where you want to grow your relationship with Jesus, or learn more about the Catholic faith, then we invite you to participate in our GROWING AS A BELIEVER experiences throughout the year. You will be able to spot them in our communications by the blue stamp, so be sure to bookmark this page or follow along on our app or on social media platforms to see where you will grow in faith.

Join us this Lenten Season!
Pilgrims: On the Pathway to the Cross

We look forward to growing in faith with you this Lenten season, which begins March 5 with Ash Wednesday. Along with our Parish Lenten Mission (see below), we invite you to preview our Lenten offerings at

Embark on a Pilgrimage of Faith with the Jubilee Journey Passport!

This Jubilee Year, join us as Pilgrims of Hope. The Jubilee Journey Passport guides you to sacred sites across our Archdiocese, including Holy Name Cathedral, Saint Clement Parish, Saint Hyacinth Basilica, Saint Mary of the Lake, and Queen of All Saints Basilica. Deepen your faith through special activities and reflections at each location.

Your passport includes details on Mass times, reconciliation, adoration hours, and key visitation points. After completing each activity, receive a Visa Stamp to track your progress.

Pick up your Jubilee Journey Passport today in the Saint Clement church vestibule and begin your pilgrimage of faith, renewal, and hope

To Pray as Jesus Did: The Prayers of Jesus in the Gospels

Online Bible Study led by Fr. Kartje

Thursdays, March 20 - April 10, 7:00-8:00 p.m., via Zoom

Grow in faith this Lent through an intimate experience with God's Word! Learn to pray like Jesus in our online Bible course led by Fr. John Kartje, PhD—astrophysicist and renowned Bible scholar. In this course, we will reflect on the prayers of Jesus revealed in Scripture, including the Raising of Lazarus, the High Priestly Prayer, the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Seven Last Words from the Cross: How does Jesus pray? For what and for whom does he pray? Can we pray as Jesus did? 

When his disciples asked him to teach them to pray, Jesus invited them into his own relationship with God, "Our Father." Come to know the God with whom Jesus was in constant intimacy and to whom he taught his disciples to turn to with confidence in prayer. 

Register & join us

Daily Lenten Reflection Opportunities

Looking to deepen your spirituality this Lent? Try one of these online resources and start each day with a moment of prayer and reflection.

  • BEST LENT EVER: Join Matthew Kelly and nearly one million Catholics for a brand-new consecration journey. Are you ready to encounter God’s mercy like never before? Presented by Dynamic Catholic.

  • MY CATHOLIC LIFE: Prepare your heart for Easter with a rich collection of Lenten prayers, meditations, and reflections designed to deepen your faith during this most sacred season. My Catholic Life offers daily spiritual readings that draw from Scripture, the wisdom of the saints, and traditional Catholic teachings, guiding you through the 40 days of Lent with renewed devotion.

  •  EWTN LENTEN REFLECTIONS: Journey through Lent with daily online reflections, questions, and action challenges. Presented by EWTN.

  • HALLOW APP: The #1 Christian prayer app in the world. Pray with millions around the world.

BETA - Anchors for Easter People, led by Fr. Ken Simpson

Wednesdays in May (May 7, 14, 21, 28), 7:00-8:15 p.m.

Join us for a deeper exploration of the teachings of the Church and their role in living a Christ-centered life within His community of believers. Through the framework of the Clement Anchors—Belong, Pray, Learn, Serve, and Share—participants will examine how these practices strengthen their connection to the Church and its mission. Mark your calendars! Registration coming soon.

Discover the Joy of Encountering God through Lectio Divina

Fridays, following the 8:30 a.m. Mass, in The Fishbowl (2nd floor above 1E/Fahey)

Through this spiritual exercise, you will learn to listen to the inner message of Scripture, guided by the Holy Spirit. Rather than merely studying the text, you will engage in a transformative communion with the Living Word. Experience the joy of encountering God in His sacred word and responding to His grace. This practice is open to all, regardless of your level of Biblical knowledge. Come and discover the profound impact Lectio Divina can have on your spiritual journey.

Register here. Questions, please contact Barb Bagnall.


Formally speaking, OCIA is the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly known as RCIA). It is the process by which new members are brought or otherwise fully initiated into the life of the Church. It is a program of prayer, conversion, learning, and faith sharing. In addition to OCIA sessions, participants will be encouraged to engage in the various faith and service opportunities and the very life of the Parish.

If you are discerning becoming a Catholic, we invite you to read more here. Note, our next OCIA co-hort begins May 5.


Leading Others


Seeking to Belong