
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) — formerly known as RCIA — is the process of spiritual and educational formation through which adults become fully initiated members of the Roman Catholic Church.

What is OCIA?

Formally speaking OCIA is the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly known as RCIA). It is the process by which new members are brought or otherwise fully initiated into the life of the Church. It is a program of prayer, conversion, learning, and faith sharing. In addition to OCIA sessions, participants will be encouraged to engage in the various faith and service opportunities and the very life of the Parish.

OCIA at Saint Clement

OCIA at Saint Clement is offered year-round via two cohorts. One cohort begins shortly after Easter, following our winter Alpha program, and concludes with the sacraments of initiation in October. Another begins after our Alpha fall program (November) and concludes at Pentecost, with the sacraments of initiation celebrated at the Easter Vigil.

Upon registration, the Coordinator of the OCIA will meet with you to learn about your religious and spiritual journey and explain the journey toward full initiation. The process begins within community, spending time with other seekers of Christ and the OCIA team: praying, reflecting on passages from the Scriptures and learning about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church and experiencing its incarnation in the parish family of Saint Clement. Registration closes after the first month, but Saint Clement offers many opportunities to grow and develop your faith until the next cohort begins, e.g., Alpha, is highly recommended prior to joining the OCIA. Additionally, there are numerous Beta courses, including two spirituality series: one designed specifically for women and another for men. Please review the weekly parish newsletter, The Plaza, for upcoming dates and links to register.

The OCIA process begins with building community among those choosing this journey. No prior religious affiliation is needed. The OCIA welcomes a) the unbaptized, b) Christians baptized in non-Catholic churches, and c) baptized Catholics who seek to complete their sacraments of initiation: Confirmation and/or Communion.

The process focuses on building or deepening a relationship with Jesus and the Church. Jesus is “the Way, the Truth and the Life” leading us to know God the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. We come to encounter God through God’s revelation offered through Scripture and the Tradition (heritage) of the Church, i.e., beliefs, liturgy, sacraments, prayers, devotions and teachings.

Various stages and rites (rituals) mark the journey. Following the initial stage of inquiry and the Rite of Entrance into the Catechumenate (learning community) comes a period of growing and deepening one’s encounter with Christ and the Church. The OCIA team and sponsors journey alongside members, supporting their prayer, participation in the liturgy, growth in faith and integration into the parish community of Saint Clement.

The Rite of Election (being “chosen”) to move closer to the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) precedes the period of enlightenment and purification. This more intense time of preparation for the sacraments leads to the celebration of the sacraments. The unbaptized publicly profess their faith and are washed clean of sin and joined to Christ and His Body the Church. Those baptized in other Christian faiths profess their faith in God and in the beliefs of the Catholic Church and are welcomed into the Church. They join those baptized Catholics who seek to complete initiation and are confirmed with the Holy Spirit. All then celebrate unity and communion at the Lord’s table.

OCIA is a journey of accompaniment and discernment. The entire community of Saint Clement walks with them, their sponsors and the Team. They help them to discern their opportunities for spiritual growth and their readiness for the sacraments. Mystagogy, deepening faith and reflection on the sacraments of initiation, follows until the concluding rite of commissioning. At various times along the journey OCIA members will gather at various community Masses and be dismissed for further reflection on the Scriptures until they are ready to fully join Christ’s family at the table of the Eucharist.

The program lasts as long as the individual needs it to be and they will be initiated when they and the Church discern they are ready.


Sponsors of OCIA candidates are individuals who will journey with the inquirer through the process until they are baptized and/or confirmed. Sponsors should be fully initiated in the Christian life, who are open to sharing their faith with the inquirer. They must be over 16 and may not be the inquirer’s parent. If you are an inquirer, and do not have someone who would make a good sponsor, there are Team members and parishioners who are open to serving as sponsors. Sponsors are encouraged to attend RCIA meetings as they are able.

Cost is free


Meetings are currently held on Mondays from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., with breaks for holidays. Missing a meeting will happen. Materials are forwarded prior to and following meetings. However, consistently missing meetings may lead to joining the next cohort.

The next OCIA cohort begins Monday, May 5, 2025. Register here to join us!

Learn more

Read the latest update here from our OCIA Coordinators - Fr. Brett Williams and Ed Harasim, OCIA Coordinators


For more information, please contact Ed Harasim, eharasim@clement.org or Fr. Brett Williams, bawilliams@clement.org, OCIA Coordinators.


Congratulations and Welcome to Our Newest Members!

On October 6, 2024, we joyfully welcomed our RCIA members into our family of faith! Learn more here.


OCIA Coordinators’ Latest Update: 03/28/2025

