OCIA/RCIA Coordinators’ Weekly Update 9/13/24

Encountering Christ through the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA/OCIA)
September 13, 2024

September sidewalk foot traffic dramatically increases. Students carry backpacks to school, sometimes accompanied by parents, younger siblings and pets. It’s the beginning of fall classes. Parishes ramp up program offerings. Alpha and Beta Courses begin at Saint Clement.

Each of us is on a journey and some individuals seek new life paths.

You may wish to convert, a turn around so radical it’s described as ‘dying to oneself so as to be raised to new life in Christ’ through baptism.

You may already be joined to Christ in baptism through a non-Catholic denomination and feel drawn to connect with the community of the Roman Catholic Church as you experience Church here at Saint Clement.

Perhaps you were baptized Catholic but for various reasons did not complete the initiation sacraments: Confirmation and Communion.

A common question we hear is “When do OCIA/RCIA classes begin?”

Engaging the OCIA journey does involve learning, learning about Christ and the Church, the Scriptures and our Tradition. However, ‘The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults’ (OCIA), is so much more. It’s about creating relationships, a personal relationship with Christ. It’s about creating relationships with the community of believers, the Church. The OCIA is not merely a class but a journey, a journey of faith that is grounded in the gospel admonitions: “Whatever you do to the least of your sisters and brothers you do unto me.” OCIA is learning to see through the lens of the last Judgement in Matthew 25, and the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 and Luke 6.

This year, our formal OCIA sessions begin in November, instead of September. We are asking those considering baptism, reception or completion of their sacraments to register and participate in one or more of the very many programs on offer in the parish, for example: Alpha which is a wonderful opportunity to get to know Jesus, the scriptures and our community. For those who’ve already been through Alpha or who know a little more about the Christian faith, you may register for Fr. Tom Hickey’s Beta course entitled “Deep Roots: Cultivating an Interior Life.”  Everyone also has an opportunity to take part in Lydia and Men’s Executive Speaker Series

Please pray for two of our OCIA/RCIA members who are receiving sacraments this Saturday, September 14, at the 5 p.m. Mass. All are welcome to attend!

Angeli Carranza will be baptized, confirmed and receive first Communion.
Fabrizio Giovannini Filho will be confirmed and receive first Communion.

Fr. Brett Williams and Ed Harasim, OCIA/RCIA Coordinators

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OCIA/RCIA Coordinators’ Weekly Update