Saint Clement School

Welcome to Saint Clement School, a 2020 National Blue Ribbon School and the leading Catholic parish school in the city of Chicago! Anchored in the richness of Catholic tradition, Saint Clement School engages each and every child in a challenging academic environment that empowers and inspires our students to recognize their unique gifts.

Upon graduating from Saint Clement School, our students enter high school empowered by their rich experience of faith, service and intellectual discovery.

Our students are compassionate leaders entrusted with a sacred responsibility to share their gifts, serve the common good and respond with confidence to the challenges each day.

New School Website Now Live!

We're excited to announce Saint Clement School's newly redesigned website is now live!

If you haven't had a chance to see our refreshed design, we invite you to do so at


If you have any questions about admission and joining our school family, please contact Noreen Valle or visit




Religious Education Program