Welcome to Saint Clement!

We are so happy you found us!

Thank you for joining us at Saint Clement. We can’t wait to meet you! We can’t wait to hear how you found your way to us, what you are looking for in your parish family, and where you are in your journey of faith.

The spirit of renewal is alive here at Saint Clement, and we encourage you to scroll down to share more about yourself and learn more about some of the ways the Holy Spirit has been at work in our Saint Clement family.

Register as a Parishioner

Come join our parish family and grow deeper in your faith and belonging to a vibrant and thriving community. With a community of over 4,000 households, it’s easy to get lost. You’re here to be found! By registering as a parishioner, we’re able to connect with you on a 1:1 basis and give you a starting point.

When you register via button above, you will also be asked to choose a date for an upcoming New Member Orientation class!

We host these concise and informative New Member Orientation classes throughout the year. We expect our new members to attend one of these orientation classes. You will learn more about our mission and vision, as well as the unique role you play as part of the parish. This engaging class will aid you in your journey here through a spiritual gifts assessment, community time with other new members and staff. A meal will be provided. We are so excited to have you as part of this community of faith!

If you missed our last orientation or would like to join to learn more, we encourage you to sign up here for a future date! Our next offering is Sunday, May 18 following the 11:15 a.m. Mass.

Why are you here?

We are loved, imperfect, filled with gratitude, and in need of God’s mercy. As such, we encourage each other to have a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Each of us is on our own path of discovery. Where are you on your path?

If you are seeking to belong to a community, growing as a believer in Jesus and the Catholic faith, or feeling called to lead others and accompany them on their journey, we invite you to join us!


Stay Connected!

We invite you to follow us on social media, sign up for our e-newsletters, and download our parish App to help stay informed on the latest parish news and events! Click to learn more.


Renewal Through God’s Grace: A Year of Blessings in 2024 and Hope for 2025

2024 Calendar Year Key Metrics Update

This past year, we have witnessed God’s countless blessings and abundant grace at work in our parish community. With grateful hearts, we praise God for the remarkable ways He has guided us in faith, service, and love. We praise Him for you and the many gifts you share with our Saint Clement family, and beyond. As we look toward 2025—a holy year filled with new opportunities—we call upon the Holy Spirit to continue leading us in our mission. Come Holy Spirit! Guide us to use our hearts, voices, hands, and feet to bring love, mercy, and peace to this world.

Our efforts to double parishioner engagement are bearing fruit, and while the numbers are moving in the right direction, what fills us with the most hope is the transformation we see: hearts being renewed and lives being shaped as true disciples of Christ. As you take a moment to reflect on these key metrics, spend some time in prayer to listen to God's call for you in 2025. Together, let us remain steadfast in faith, trusting that the God who has begun this good work will bring it to fulfillment.


Nicole Zenner, Chief of Staff & Strategy


Getting Here


Parish Purpose, Mission & Vision