Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

- Joseph Wrobel, Facilities Manager

Today I have the opportunity to share my reflection on the Gospel of the 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time. In this Gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the mustard seed and comparing it to growing the Kingdom of God. “It is like a mustard seed that, when it is sown in the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.”

As I sit and read this Gospel, I feel that the seed Jesus speaks of, sown in the ground, symbolizes the beginnings of faith and grace in our souls and the souls of those around us. There are so many ways that we can plant the “seed” to start or grow God’s Kingdom in our own hearts as well as the hearts of our friends, family, coworkers and even complete strangers.

We can start with the smallest acts of kindness. Smiling at someone, giving a random compliment or holding a door open. Recently I received a Thank you card in my mailbox for my help with the Daddy Daughter Dance that took place at the School. This simple and random gesture shows the appreciation and goodness in others. This card was so unexpected and made my day. We can say this planted the “seed” with me. By someone else's act of kindness towards me, it grows with me wanting to share this feeling and encourages me to show that towards others.

We can also grow the Kingdom of God with the “seed” of leading by example, helping our Parish and communities in many ways. Every week we have Friday Hospitality. This is a time where we can help those less fortunate in our community. We have amazing volunteers that come and give their time and efforts. Over the past year that I have been a member of the Saint Clement family, I have seen the number of volunteers grow. People see the kindness that is the Kingdom of God and wish to be a part of it.

Prayer is also an especially important part of planting the “seed” within us. When we have God with us, this will manifest upon others. Having the Kingdom of God one’s central focus in life and in our decisions, it can help to advance influence on others.

One of the most important “seeds” we plant to grow the Kingdom of God is with our children. I have a five-year-old daughter named Anne. I am always looking to have the seed of God’s growth within her. I am teaching her from an early age who Jesus is, the strength of God’s love, the importance of helping others, the power of prayer and becoming the best possible person she can be. I recently had the pleasure of including her in our Service Day at Saint Clement. We volunteered at the Parish cleaning the Church and grounds. She witnessed first-hand the impact of a community coming together to grow God’s kingdom.

A significant example of the “seed” to grow God’s Kingdom that was planted that connects us all here at Saint Clement began in 1905 when Adam J. Kasper and his Catholic neighbors near the intersection of Orchard St. and Deming Pl. wrote to Archbishop Quigley asking for a new Parish. From that beginning of being an idea to now, we have over 480 pre-k3 through 8th grade students in the School and over 4,000 registered families as parishioners. This is truly a testament to the growth and power of God’s Kingdom.


