Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

- Nicole Zenner, Chief of Staff & Strategy

In today’s readings, we are hit with images of stormy seas and the chaos of water. Sometimes the images in the Bible don’t seem as relatable to us in 2024. Not so with these readings. I think it’s pretty amazing to think that thousands of years ago, humans were still as fascinated as we are today with oceans, seas, and large lakes. The sheer volume of water that contains so much life, provides us with life and refreshment (especially after this week’s heat wave), and yet can also be terrifying and cause destruction. Water continues to hold us in awe.

I think it’s easy to focus on the chaos of water – the suffering and destruction it can cause. Similar to how when suffering and destruction occur in our life, it’s hard to see God in the midst of our hurt and pain. But He’s there. Our belief and faith that God is with us, especially in the painful moments, is what we are supposed to remember from our readings this weekend.

I don’t know about you, but arguably, it’s the waves of suffering and tragedies of my own life that have brought me closer to God. Oh, I’ve sometimes struggled to see God in those moments of pain. But then I take the pain to prayer and God shows me that I’m not alone. God does care.

A couple of weeks ago, Fr. Brett brought this Gospel reading to our weekly staff prayer. He had us meditate on the words and then placed us on the boat with Jesus & the disciples. He asked us where we were at in the boat and what were we doing. I immediately saw (and felt) myself curled up at the feet of Jesus. Yes, sleeping through the storm. But like Jesus, aware of all the chaos that was going around me, yet knowing it was all going to be okay. I can’t tell you how many years I’ve waited for that sense of peace and contentment! For many years, I was like the worried & fear-filled disciples. Let’s be honest, I may have some moments in the future where I’m freaking out in the storm. But I’d like to think that I do have the faith that God really is with me through it all.

Where are you finding yourself in the boat this week? Are you uncertain and worried? Or are you finding peace with Christ?


