Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

- Lori Howard, Coordinator of Sacramental Prep

In this week’s Gospel from Mark we hear the story of Jesus healing a man who is deaf and has a speech impediment. We hear how Jesus took the man aside from the crowd, touched his ears and tongue, and used the Aramaic word “Ephphatha,” which means “Be opened.” Immediately, the man’s hearing and speech were restored. What does this passage represent to us?

Healing: This passage is one of many examples of Jesus’ power to heal physical ailments. We see this as a sign of Jesus’ divine authority and compassion, affirming His role as the Messiah, here to save us all.

Understanding God’s word: The man’s inability to hear and speak is an example of our struggle to hear God's word and respond to it. Jesus’ action—touching his ears and tongue—symbolizes the divine intervention needed to open our hearts and minds to God's message.

Jesus’ Mission: Where this miracle happens is especially significant. It occurs in the Decapolis, a predominantly Gentile region. It is another example of Jesus extending his mission beyond the Jewish people to include everyone, reminding us of the universality of Christ's message and the inclusivity of the Church's mission to bring the Gospel to everyone.

Call to the Sacraments: When Jesus touches the man and says “Be Opened”, we are reminded of God’s healing and transformative power.  We too can experience this through the Sacraments, with words and touch as well as with the oil used during Baptism and Anointing and water, bread and wine in the Eucharist.

Call to Evangelize: The reaction of the crowd, who were astounded and proclaimed Jesus’ deeds, underscores the importance of sharing the Good News of the Gospel. We are encouraged to bear witness to our faith and encouraged to invite others to experience the transformative power of Christ.

This Gospel emphasizes Jesus’ healing power, the importance of spiritual openness, the inclusivity of His mission, and the sacramental life. Take time this week to reflect on how we are called to be open to God’s grace and to share that openness with others. How is Jesus calling you to open your heart this week?


