Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

- Fr. Brett Williams, Assoc. Pastor & Dir. of Worship and Prayer Ministry

Our second reading for this Sunday, taken from the Letter of St. James (2:14-18), serves as a powerful reminder of the inextricable link between faith and works. St. James, in his characteristically direct style, challenges us to examine the authenticity of our faith. He asserts that true faith is not merely a mental assent to theological propositions; it must be manifested in concrete actions that demonstrate love and compassion for others.

James uses the analogy of a body without life to illustrate the futility of faith devoid of works. Just as a body without breath is lifeless, so too is faith without action. Faith is like a seed that requires nurturing and growth through deeds of love. It is not a static concept but a dynamic force that propels us to engage with the world and make a positive difference.

The apostle's emphasis on works of mercy and justice aligns with the core teachings of Jesus. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus underscores the importance of compassionate action towards those in need. He teaches us that our neighbor is not merely someone who lives next door but anyone who crosses our path and requires our assistance.

The passage from James also challenges us to confront the hypocrisy of those who claim to have faith but fail to live up to its demands. James warns against a selective faith that prioritizes certain aspects of the Gospel while neglecting others. He reminds us that true discipleship involves a wholehearted commitment to the teachings of Jesus, which includes both belief and action.

Our reading from St. James’ letter invites us to examine the depth and authenticity of our faith. It calls us to move beyond mere intellectual assent and to translate our faith into concrete acts of love and service. By doing so, we not only fulfill the requirements of the Gospel but also experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from living a life of purpose and meaning.


