Friday Hospitality


For many years, Saint Clement parishioners have generously prepared sack lunches for the hungry, which are distributed from the parish every Friday morning.

Friday Sack Lunch volunteers are provided a sack lunch list by Clement Staff, and then are tasked with purchasing the items for and preparing the lunches in their homes. This is a great service opportunity for those with littles! Lunches are made to be dropped off at Saint Clement on Thursday during business hours or Friday morning before 9:30 a.m.

Contact Katie Bak or Christa Kingsley with any questions.

  • Returning volunteers sign up through our parish App

    • Download our app: search “saint clement” in the app store or text stclementapp to 77977

    • In the app, click CONNECT --> CCB --> GROUPS --> Friday Sack Lunch --> NEEDS.

    • Please note, you also will receive an email every week of the need.

  • New volunteers, please fill out this INTEREST FORM.

  • Sign up as a Sack Lunch SUBSTITUTE

Expanded Sack Lunch Opportunities - LPCS

We wanted to introduce an expansion of our parish service to our homeless neighbors this January. We are planning to commit to providing lunch once a week to each of the homeless shelters run by Lincoln Park Community Services (LPCS). Saint Clement and LPCS are celebrating a 40 year collaborative mission to serve the homeless men and women in our city helping them to get back to living life with dignity a mission that Christ called us to join.  

This will be in addition to our Friday offerings listed above.

Sack Lunches:

Each week, volunteers prepare six sack lunches at home and drop them off at LCPS Fullerton (600 W. Fullerton) or Sedgwick (1521 N Sedgwick) before Friday at 9:30. The lunches include: 

  • 2 lunchmeat sandwiches on white or whole wheat bread/roll, cheese is optional but always a nice addition (no condiments); please wrap the sandwiches or place them in a separate baggie.    

  • 2 hard-boiled eggs or pieces of string cheese

  • 1 bag of potato chips or pretzels (or something similar)    

  • 1 piece of soft fruit (i.e. orange, banana, grapes)   

  • Dessert (i.e. cookie, candy bar)   

  • Beverage (i.e. juice box, can of soda, or small water/sport drink) 

How to sign up:

  • New volunteers, please fill out this INTEREST FORM. You will then receive an email with further information. You can also then download our app and sign up through our app (or the weekly email).

  • Download our app: search “saint clement” in the app store or text stclementapp to 77977

  • In the app, click CONNECT --> CCB --> GROUPS --> Friday Sack Lunch --> NEEDS

  • Please note, this ministry is open to your schedule, and you can sign up for as many or as few dates as you are able!


In addition to volunteers who provide the sack lunches, we are also in need of volunteers who are present on Friday mornings to provide breakfast and hospitality to our guests.

The Friday Hospitality Volunteers will collaborate to plan a hot meal each week, prepare it at home, bring it to Saint Clement on Friday morning, and serve it to our guests. The volunteers will gather at 8:00, and move to the Front Lawn of the Parish to set up the Hospitality table for 8:30. Breakfast is served from around 8:45 until 9:30 when the lunches are distributed.

Volunteers are encouraged to share conversations with the guests as a welcoming face of Saint Clement. After lunches are distributed, Hospitality volunteers are responsible for clean-up. The event ends around 10 a.m. each week.

If you’d like to help provide food for hospitality but are unable to stay to serve it, we welcome your help! Please contact Katie Bak with any questions. to coordinate drop-off.

As the Friday Hospitality Volunteers interact with students from Saint Clement School, we kindly ask that all Friday Hospitality Volunteers provide proof of their VIRTUS Compliance before signing up to serve.

  • Returning volunteers sign up through our parish App (see below on how to download our App).

    • In the app, click CONNECT --> CCB --> GROUPS --> Friday Sack Lunch --> NEEDS.

  • New volunteers, please fill out this INTEREST FORM.

Download Our App

Be sure to download our parish app to read the latest news, stay connected with groups, and sign up for our Friday Sack Lunch and Hospitality ministry dates! Simply search for Saint Clement in the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). Or, you can text stclementapp to 77977. It's that easy!


Upcoming Service Opportunities


Volunteer Opportunities